Estaba pensando de qué hablaros en este post y entonces caí en la cuenta. No os he dicho que me podéis seguir en diferentes plataformas. Si miráis a la zona derecha de la pantalla encontraréis diferentes imágenes de web donde tengo cuentas. Si las clicleáis os llevará a mi cuenta en dicha página.
I was thinking about what to talk you in this post and I realized. I didn't tell you that you can follow me on differents websites. If you look at the right side of the screen you can find differents images of that web I have a profile. You can click that images and go to my profiles.
Pinterest y Pinspire son dos web muy parecidas donde se intercambian imágenes que podéis guardar en vuentro perfil y añadir comentarios organizados en diferentes carpetas.
Pinsterest and Pinspire are very similar. You can exchange images that you save on your profile in differents folders.
WeHeartIt me encanta. Es una web donde se comparten fotos de cualquier cosa, moda, diy, paisajes, etc. Como habréis visto (y si no, os lo digo yo) ya he publicado algunas fotos para añadirlas a mi perfil de WeHeartIt.
I love WeHeartIt. It is a website where you can share images about anything, fashion, diy, scenaries... As you can see (and if you not, I tell you) I have posted some photos for my profile on WeHeartIt.
Y, finalmente, Tumblr. Una web donde creas tu propio blog y compartes y sigues a diferentes personas o marcas. Me gusta mucho por las imágenes, puedes buscar cualquier tema y mis preferidos son la moda y el arte. Me asombra y envidio (envidia sana por supuesto) la creatividad que hay.
And, finally, Tumblr. Tumblr is a website where you can create your own blog and share and follow differents persons or brands. I really like it for the images. You can look for any theme and my favorites are fashion and art. Creativity on Tumblr amaze me.
I was thinking about what to talk you in this post and I realized. I didn't tell you that you can follow me on differents websites. If you look at the right side of the screen you can find differents images of that web I have a profile. You can click that images and go to my profiles.
Pinterest y Pinspire son dos web muy parecidas donde se intercambian imágenes que podéis guardar en vuentro perfil y añadir comentarios organizados en diferentes carpetas.
Pinsterest and Pinspire are very similar. You can exchange images that you save on your profile in differents folders.
I love WeHeartIt. It is a website where you can share images about anything, fashion, diy, scenaries... As you can see (and if you not, I tell you) I have posted some photos for my profile on WeHeartIt.
And, finally, Tumblr. Tumblr is a website where you can create your own blog and share and follow differents persons or brands. I really like it for the images. You can look for any theme and my favorites are fashion and art. Creativity on Tumblr amaze me.
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